Who We Are


Mongo Allen is an author and film producer who has worked in mental health and education for over two decades. He has worked in hospital operations in the capacity of Director or Manager, utilizing his unique skillset of training employees to function in high stress job positions.

He has created strategies and methodologies which he has used to train hospitals and schools on becoming exceptional Hope Care Providers™. Mr. Allen trains employees to use faith as a key component in building hope in the lives of people who are suffering from mental illness, generational poverty, and at-risk conditions that keep them from being successful in life.

Prior to working in mental health, Mr. Allen began his educational career at one of Oklahoma’s toughest at-risk alternative charter schools where he held the title of Principal between 2000 to 2011. During his tenure at this educational facility, Mr. Allen witnessed an epidemic of gang affiliated students being killed in gang violence or ending up in prison.

This inspired Mr. Allen to create and produce the film “The List” as a resource to detour young people from the destructive lifestyle of gangs or gang-affiliated behavior. The documentary won KSBI a community service award for broadcasting.

Mr. Allen graduated from Southwestern Oklahoma State University with a bachelor degree in graphic art, and from the University of Central Oklahoma with a Masters degree in education. He also has a masters degree in Education Administration. Mr. Allen is an artist and author of two children’s books and is currently working on his third.


Gwendolyn Allen has been a health care professional for over 30 years. She has a nursing degree and an advanced degree in counseling which has made her one of the premiere healthcare authorities in behavior health.

Her standalone managerial and leadership skills have been successfully utilized over 3 decades in her roles as Director of Patient Care, Charge Nurse, Campus Supervisor, Clinical Coordinator, and Director of Patient Care/Perioperative Services. Her ability to work in high pressure environments have made her one of the top managers in the state of Oklahoma. Her dedication to the empowerment of family health inspired Ms. Allen to create a health ministry at her church.

In 2016 Ms. Allen’s efforts as Director of Health Ministry led First Baptist Church to win the certified Healthy Congregation Award from the Oklahoma State Health Department.

Gwendolyn received a master of arts in counseling from the American Christian College and Seminary in 2005, and her Associate of Nursing degree from Oklahoma State University in 1982.


MBA Marketing
Oklahoma City University, 2003 graduate, 3.5 GPA

BA Communication
Oklahoma City University, 1999 graduate, cum laude


BA Education

If you would like to have us come to your church, hospital, or educational setting to speak or do training, please contact us at (405) 315-0855, or at fivesmoothstonesfoundation@yahoo.com.